Birds and their droppings can carry over 60 diseases
Two pigeons caught feasting on grilled chicken at Midtown Falafel cart in NYC
We offer expert bird & pigeon control services for residential and commercial clients throughout NYC, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and Long Island City
The Most Dependable and Affordable Local Pest Control Exterminators for bird & pigeon control services for residential and commercial clients throughout NYC, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and Long Island City
24 Hour Emergency Care Residential and Commercial Pest Control
Exterminators, for your Home and Business in NYC
Main Services: Bed Bug Control; Rats and Mice Control; Roach Control; Cloth Moth Control; Ant Control; Rodents, Rats and Mice Control; Fly Control Fruit Fly Control; Mosquitos Control; Flee Control; Beetles 8 different types Control; Bird Control
Toll Free: (800) 578-4156 | Direct: (646) 568-7150